We are a

Networking Company


Dnutric International Sdn Bhd is a company that was established on 7 October 2022. Basically, the purpose of this company was established to penetrate the business industry market as well as direct sales. This company is a 100% Bumiputera-owned company registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM). Dnutric International Sdn Bhd also manufactures health and beauty business products. The company is run by successful businessmen with experience in the health and beauty fields.


Why you should start a network marketing business


Products You Can Use

Affordable Price

Big Income Without Limits

Build Wealth

Get to know

our team

dato rahman

Dato’ Abdul Rahman Bin Mohtar

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
cgu azman

Cgu Azman / Tuan Norazman

Chief Operating Officer (COO)
puan noridah

Puan Noridah Baharom

Marketing Manager (MM)


Become A Champion In The MLMIndustry In Malaysia & Abroad


Building UNIVERSALWell-Being & A Healthy Society